Fountaindale Public Library District · Public Presentations

Thanks For An Excellent Genealogy Day!

Dear Genealogy Day Attendees:

All of you are amazing!  Jose and I were reading through the comments from your cards and survey forms, and we are so happy that you all enjoyed the program!

My deepest thanks to everyone who took the time to give us your thoughts and feedback.  My apologies for the microphone issues, but my mic test couldn’t withstand the hurricane force of 101 people in the room!

To everyone with ethnic genealogy requests – I will have a series of mini workshops next year to help you all with those topics.  I try to keep Genealogy Day subjects as broad and far-reaching as possible.  But I’m excited that the interest in ethnic and technology based libraries is going strong!   I will be able to tackle those topics with such an amazing group of patrons.

To Do List for Next Year:

-Better Microphone equipment
-Mic Stands for the audience
-More lunch seating
-Earlier ending time/shorter lunch
-Convince Craig Pfannkuche to speak again; don’t take ‘no’ for an answer
-Tell Jeanne Bloom to work on an Orphan Train genealogy program; bribe her to become my mentor
-Woo Jennifer Holik into doing a program on the ‘destroyed’ Military archives in Missouri
-Ask Jane Haldeman to work on Google Earth Part 2; convince her to build it into her plans to rule the Google world.

What have you taken away from this year’s genealogy day?  What was your favorite topic?  What has this one-day program done for your research?

If you need me, I’ll see you at the Library!

Many Thanks,
Debra, Jose, and the FPLD Library Staff

2 thoughts on “Thanks For An Excellent Genealogy Day!

  1. What a great event! Timing on the topics perfectly matched up with some information I recently discovered about my ancestors. The valuable information I learned yesterday will take me to the next step in my search with the wonderful resources uncovered yesterday. Thank you for a great day!

  2. It was a wonderful program, thank you for presenting it! Now, I want to google my ancestor’s property in Michigan, grab a shovel and go dig. Maybe then I can find evidence of any children I haven’t discovered and can write their story! I can hardly wait until next year’s Genealogy Day!

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